Board of Education Special Meeting

March 5, 2015 2:30 PM

Hayes Center High School

Board Room


I. Call to Order - President Broz called the meeting to order at 2:34 P.M.

I.A. Roll Call - Present:  Joe Anderjaska, Connie Brott, Aaron Broz, Toby Cox, Dexter Lacey, Andrea Richards.   

I.B. Pledge of Allegiance - President Broz led the Pledge of Allegiance.

I.C. Recognition of Open Meetings Act poster - President Broz notified those in attendance of the Open Meetings Act poster.

II. Action Items

II.A. Interview candidates for Superintendent position

III. Discussion

Cox moves to go into executive session to protect the reputation of an individual with a second by Broz.

Joe Anderjaska            Yes

Connie Brott              Yes

Aaron Broz                Yes

Toby Cox                  Yes

Dexter Lacey              Yes

Andrea Richards           Yes

Enter into executive session at 3:36


Lacey moves to leave executive session with a second by Brott. 

Joe Anderjaska            Yes

Connie Brott              Yes

Aaron Broz                Yes

Toby Cox                  Yes

Dexter Lacey              Yes

Andrea Richards           Yes

Exit executive session at 4:05


Broz adjorns the meeting at 4:06.


Brott moves to amend to adjourn the meeting to come back into meeting to make the motion to go into negotiations with Dr. Philip Mahan with a second by Cox.   

Joe Anderjaska            Yes

Connie Brott              Yes

Aaron Broz                Yes

Toby Cox                  Yes

Dexter Lacey              Yes

Andrea Richards           Yes


III.A. Any additional business – Motion to authorize Broz to enter into negotiations with Philip Mahan for 2015-2016 Superintendent contract by Lacey and a second by Richards.

Joe Anderjaska            Yes

Connie Brott              Yes

Aaron Broz                Yes

Toby Cox                  Yes

Dexter Lacey              Yes

Andrea Richards           Yes

IV. Adjournment - President Broz adjourned the meeting at 4:11 P.M.



Board President



Board Secretary


These are a full draft of the minutes that will be considered for approval at the next regular Board meeting.